Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause respiratory base illnesses in mammals including humans. They are associated with the common cold, SARS(Severe acute respiratory syndrome), and pneumonia. Coronaviruses have been found to affect cattle, horses, pigs, rats, cats, and turkeys.
      At least a near 500 people have died from a new Corona virus outbreak that started in Wuhan,China. The outbreak is thought to have started in the city of Wuhan in a seafood market.

Read our current article on the Coronavirus
Current information on the Coronavirus

Facts About the Coronaviruses

• Novel Corona virus was first reported from Wuhan,China on the 31st of December 2019.

• Under the electron microscope the Corona virus resembles a solar Corona. Hence it's name as the word Corona is Latin for crown.

• There is currently no cure for the novel Corona virus

Symptoms of the Novel Corona Virus

     The symptoms of the novel Corona virus according to the CDC may appear anywhere from 2 to 14 days after exposure. It's Symptoms include:

• Mild to severe respiratory illnesses

• Fever

• Difficulty in breathing

• Cough

Preventive Measures

     Preventive measures will help in preventing the further spread of the disease some of which include:

• Wash your hands with soap and water (preferably running water).

• Avoid coming to close to sick individuals.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched materials.

• Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer With a high percentage of alcohol.

• Avoid touching your eyes and mouth

• When sneezing or coughing make use of a tissue or handkerchief.

How Does the Novel Corona Virus spread?
     Just like the novel Corona virus the common cold is also a member of the Corona virus group and is spread through droplets often spread when a person sneezes or coughs.

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