We all encounter situations in our everyday activities that prompt us to lie. In our schools, at home, at work, on the street, literally every where. But does lying really solve the issue? A lot of relationships today didn't work out because they were based on lies. Most people hate being lied to and once lies are discovered there's a tendency of anger and loss of trust, truth on the other hand is generally loved although it may result in some punishment it is unlike lies which creates temporary relief and can leave lasting scars.

       Today we will be taking on a topic that is absolutely different from what has been previously posted. We will be talking about lies, dropping some Bible references, talking on white lies, and so much more.

        Lying is now seen by some people as a way of life, some as something they cannot do without. "Every one tells lies" you must have heard someone say but can we really live without telling lies? Well the answer is simple we definitely can live without lying.
      People lie for various reasons some of which are listed below

•To get promoted.

•To get themselves out of trouble.

•To protect a friend.

•To impress others.

•To make money.

       And so much more. Having a reason for lying doesn't change the fact that lying is wrong and God hates it.
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

       When you lie you create a temporary solution to an issue one which will eventually crumble. One little lie can lead to a dozen more as the need to back up that initial lie may be be necessary but when we tell the truth we have no reason to back it up with lies neither do we need to worry about a lie getting out.
       The fall of man started with a lie . And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
When God said Adam and Eve would die he spoke about spiritual death and not physical death but Satan manipulated Eve through a lie to get her to eat of the tree!
From there lying has developed taking on different forms like falsification of results, writing lies to make your boss think you were early when you are actually late, writing the names of others on attendance lists when the weren't present , and so much more.
       Lies can lead to heart break and trust issues between individuals some of us have lied so much that everyone that everyone second guesses what we say. Relationships built on lies will most likely crumble over time.
When we lie we become false witnesses. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

White Lies

      Some individuals lie for reasons they consider good such as lying to protect a friend, lying in other not to offend someone or lying to make others feel better. This has been termed a White Lie and is seen to be acceptable in the eye of many but are they?
      How do I look? Do I look fat? The make up looks great right? How's the food? You most likely have been in a situation like this and weighed your options, lie and make him/her feel good or tell him/her the truth and face possible aggression  from him/her. Well lying to make someone happy doesn't make it right just like stealing to feed the poor doesn't make stealing right! White lies are simply sugar coated lies made to look positive [And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed  into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians:11:14]. Fish is fish frying, boiling or roasting it doesn't make the fish a chicken does it? Just the same way lies are lies no matter it's presentation. Some people call it white lies to convince themselves that what they are doing is right. These white lies can end up affecting the the person later, telling her her make up is great when it isn't may lead to her being embarrassed, telling him/her that the food tastes great when it is too salty might lead to him/her being disgraced. Always stick with the truth, always follow God and he will defend you!

Thanks for reading