10 Reasons Too much Sugar Is Bad For You

     From doughnuts to egg rolls, meat pies to cookies and even in some fruit juices, added sugar can be found in alot of products we consume daily. But as often said too much of everything is bad and sugar is no exception, excess sugar can lead to many health issues.
      Sugar isn't all bad, many fruits and vegetables naturally contain sugar which gives them a sweet taste, those foods shouldn't be avoided as they contain vitamins, minerals and some contain fibre.
      The actual problem is excessive ADDED SUGARS which can be detrimental to your health.
      Here are 10 reasons excess sugar is bad for your health.

Weight Gain

      Many individuals are currently looking for ways to reduce their weight but fail to understand the importance and role of diet in weight loss. Rates of obesity are rising world wide and sugar sweetened beverages are thought to be one of the main causes.
       Consuming fructose (a type of added sugar) in beverages, snacks e.t.c. increases your hunger for more food. Excess consumption of this sugar can create a resistance to leptin a hormone that regulates hunger and tells your body when to stop eating.
       Sugary foods are often high in calories and excessive consumption of them will lead to weight gain even when regular exercise is applied.

Heart Disease
      Excess consumption of sugar/high sugar diet have been associated with heart disease which is the №1 cause of death in the world.
      High sugar diet can lead to obesity, blood sugar and high blood pressure levels which are all risk factors of heart disease.

No Vitamins and Minerals
     Fruits with natural sugars  provide in addition to sugar vitamins while some also provide fibre, in addition some of these foods with added sugar are digested quickly by the body which makes them a poor source of energy while foods with natural sugar are digested slowly making them a great source of energy.
      Sugary sodas usually have little to no vitamins to offer.

It Might Increase The Stress Levels
     When we are under stress our bodies releases large amount of hormones which is surprisingly similar when our blood sugar is low. After eating a sweetened snack or having a sugary drink the body releases hormones to compensate for the crash by raising your blood sugar leading to anxiousness, irritability and even shakiness.

Spiking And Dropping Energy Levels
     Consuming foods which are high in added sugar but lack protein, fiber or fat leads to a quick spike in blood sugar and energy levels leading to a brief energy boost quickly followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar resulting to what is normally called a sugar crash. Having such constant fluctuations in blood sugar levels can lead to major energy fluctuations.

It Might Increase Your Risk of Depression
      A healthy diet can improve your mood while a diet which is high in added sugar  and junk food might increase your chances of depression.

Increased Risk Of Diabetes
     Sugar doesn't exactly cause diabetes however any meal high in calories can lead to type 2 diabetes.
      Sugary drinks and sodas can be problematic as some contain more sugar than the daily recommended quantity.

Tooth Decay
     From all the movies we have watched it should be obvious by now that excess consumption of sugar can cause tooth decay eventually leading to cavities.
      After consuming sugar bacterial in the  mouth forms a layer of plaque on teeth  where they react with the sugar present in  foods and drinks triggering the release of an acid that damages the teeth.
      The body repairs some of these damages itself but over time a high sugar diet will cause lasting damage.

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It Can Increase The Risk Of Developing Gout
     Gout is a disease that causes painful swelling in the joints especially the fingers, toes and knees.
      Added sugars raise the uric acid levels  in the blood, increasing the risk of either worsening or developing gout.

Acceleration of the Skin Ageing Process
     Consumption of food with too much added sugar can speed up the skin ageing process.
      AEGs ( Advanced glucagon end products) are compounds formed due to reaction between proteins and sugar in the body. They are suspected to be involved in the skin ageing process.
      Consuming food high in added sugar leads to the production of AEGs which may lead to premature ageing of th skin.

       The bottom line is this, too much sugar is bad for your health. Make a routine of monitoring your sugar consumption especially those with a family history of blood sugar or diabetes.

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