Blood pressure is a measure of the force of the blood pushing the blood vessel walls. The heart is the organ in the body tasked with the responsibility of pumping blood round the body through the blood vessels.
        High blood pressure can be detrimental as it forces the heart to work harder in pumping blood it can also contribute to stroke, kidney disease, hardening of the arteries and heart failure.
        Normal blood pressure is less than 120 over 80(120/80) while an elevated blood pressure is 120-129/less than 80 but blood pressure can be divided into 3 stages :
Stage 1 high blood pressure which is 130-138/80 -89.
Stage 2 high blood pressure which is 140 and above/90 and above.
Stage 3 (hypertension crisis) which is higher than 180/higher than 120

Some Facts About High Blood Pressure

- Only about half of the people in the US with high blood pressure have it under control.
- Having high blood pressure puts you at risk of disease and stroke.
- High blood pressure costs the United States of America about$48.6 billion dollars each year.

So What Causes High Blood Pressure?  

        Just like diabetes the exact cause of high blood pressure are unknown but several habits can promote it some of which include :
- Obesity or being over weight.
- Drinking excessive alcohol.
- Smoking.
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Ageing (old age).
- Stress.
- Excessive Salt.
- lack of physical activity like exercise.
- family blood pressure history.
- Genetics.
        Incorporating a good excersise routine can be helpful in properly managing high blood pressure in it's early stages but medications are taken in sever cases of high blood pressure.

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