Malaria which is a very comon disease in Africa. It is neither a viral nor bacterial infection, it is caused by a parasite known as plasmodium normally spread when inected mosquitoes take a blood meals from individuals thereby depositing the parasite. Malaria is known to cause alot of deaths globally each year, although there is no effective vaccination against malaria although treatment is often successful in curing the disease.

    We will be outlining 5 home remedies for this infection. So let's take a leap into some home remedies (home remedies are not advised in severe cases of Malaria. In case of severe malaria see a doctor).

Diagnosing Malaria
     Before commencing any home remedies for curing malaria you should be sure to are indeed infected by the parasite. Here are some of its symptoms you should watch out for;

   Uncomplicated Malaria
-Cold and shivering
-May experience fever headaches and vomitting
-General weakness

  Severe malaria
- Dark or reddish urine
- Abnormal blood coagulation
- low blood pressure
- kidney failure
- Seizures
- Loss of consciousness

1. Preventing Mosquitoes
       One of the best ways of tackling malaria is preventing/eliminating the vector itself, certain measures can be put in place to avoid getting bitten by one. Some of the methods include;
- Mosquito nets can be used in areas where activity of mosquitoes are known to be high.
- A powerful insecticide can be used to kill the vector.
- Destroy their breeding places by draining stagnant water or spraying oil in them.
- One should endevour to keep a clean environment.

2. Ginger
        Ginger is widely known for its help in easing stomach upsets apart from this ginger has powerful antimicrobial properties which can help in destroying the parasite. It also offers relief from some of the symptoms of malaria (fever, body ache) and it improves appetite.
It can be eaten fresh or used in cooking various dishes.

3. Oranges
        Oranges are rich in vitamin C which helps in boosting the immune system functioning while grapefruit contains quinine which is known to neutralise malaria inducing parasites. You can combine them in juice or eat them raw.

4.  Lemon grass
        This plant can be found in many places across Nigeria and is also referred to as fever grass. Usually individuals chop them up and boil them with water after which the water is taken on a daily basis to cure Malaria (although I haven't been able to confirm this yet).

5. Garlic
        Canadian scientists reveal that garlic has been shown to be an effective treatment for malaria it has antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-cancer properties.

          During the period of treatment rest is adviced and also make sure you eat healthy in other to supply the body with nutrients which would help in building up tissues and strengthening the immune system.

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