Jumia Black Friday 2019
       Many of us have been talking about Jumia black Friday and anticipating how great it would be and how great 2018's Black Friday was. So today we will be discussing 4 important features of the Jumia black Friday 2019.

  Flash Sales
      This year Jumia offers flash sales up to 70% off on flash sales.
- There are mega deals up to 50% off, the fastest fingers get the price.

- flash sales may only last a few seconds
 or minutes.

- you can maximize your chances by;
1) Logging into your Jumia account ahead of the sale
2) Visiting the page a few minutes before the time for the flash sale and keep refreshing the page.

     This particular feature is only available on the app and in certain places in Nigeria such as Abuja,Lagos,Port Harcot,Ibadan and Abeokuta.
-Monday---Friday 9am to 10am
-The delivery discount will appear at the last point in the checkout.

Treasure Hunt
     Like Jumia's black Friday of last year which offered amazing giveaways such as an iPhone X and a HP laptop among others Jumia will also have another series of treasure hunts this year offering 14 products.
-Each item has only one unit to be found at 99% off
-Start your search at the time specified for each deal.
-Obviously it'll be the fastest fingers and it's available only on the app.

Live Giveaways
      This year Jumia will be conducting live Giveaways at 12noon you can join the live Giveaways at www.jumia.com.ng/live-givsaways and submit your number.
-10 random numbers will be called and asked a question relating to the giveaway item which if you answer correctly you win.

Jumia black Friday of 2018 was great and we expect this one to be better Happy shopping!😁

For reference Click here