A lot of individuals have incorporated jogging into their daily routine with a good number of them using the early hours of the morning for this activity. Jogging puts the muscles of the hands and legs to work, it improves your perseverance and overall health condition. Jogging is not a very strenuous exercise so you get to enjoy the benefits of exercise without putting your body through huge amount of strain.
1. Heart Health
The heart is a very important organ in the body as it is responsible for pumping of blood. The heart is one of the organs that benefit largely from jogging. While jogging the heart beats faster to meet the higher energy and oxygen needs of the body thereby strengthening the heart.
A stronger heart reduces the risk of heart disease and helps in the effective pumping of blood.
2. Weight Loss
Although a combination of both running and jogging may be more effective than jogging alone for weight loss jogging is still helpful and when combined with a healthy diet it can be very effective.
When running it is advised that you get running shoes and land on the ball of your foot rather than heel to avoid injury.
3. It Can Strengthen your Immune System
Jogging helps in strengthening the body as well as the immune system. It helps the body become better at resisting infections like the common cold. This is due to the increase in physical strength, increase in the production of white blood cells and and lower levels of stress and depression.
4. It May Help you Manage Depression
Jogging is known to help people in managing depression, it may ease the gloominess of depression, reduce tension and help in improving your mood.
5. It May Help you Live Longer
A life at the desk with little to no physical activity may increase your chances of premature death. Jogging helps in strengthening the heart which helps in preventing heart disease, it helps the cardiovascular system and general health of the body.
6. It Can Strengthen the Bones
Jogging can strengthen bones and can help in preventing bone diseases. Bones make up the skeletal system and are very important as they are the site of formation of red and white blood cells. Jogging may also improve the flexibility of joints.
7. It May Slow Down the Effects of Aging
Jogging improves the circulation of blood to different parts of the body the skin included. Due to more blood and oxygen being delivered to the skin the skin gains more colour and firmness making the skin look more youthful and fresh.
Although it may be difficult to incorporate jogging into your daily routine due to one reason or the other it is advised that you do so for a generally healthier lifestyle.
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