Migraines are the 3rd most popular disease in the world. It is a neurological condition that is usually associated with a severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head. A migraine pain can last for a few hours to days.
Migraines often start at puberty but affects all ages. A migraine attack can severely affect an individual's efficiency, it may even lead to temporary loss of sight. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and difficulty in speaking.
This post will answer ;
- What are migraines?
- What are the types of migraines?
- What are the risk factors of migraines?
- What is the difference between migraine headache and the common headache?
- What are the symptoms of migraines?
- What triggers migraines?
Facts about migraines
- Migraine is the 3rd most common disease in the world.
- Migraine is the 6th most disabling illness in the world.
- Migraine attacks usually last between 4 and 72 hours.
- In some cases of migraine other disstabilizing symptoms other than headache is present.
Types of migraines.
There are many types of migraines, the most common being migraine with aura and migraine without aura.
Many people suffering from migraines have more than one type ( some individuals have both migraine with aura and without aura).
Migraines without aura
Migraine without aura was formerly called common migraine, most individuals experience this type of migraine.
Migraines with aura
This was formerly called classic migraine, complicated migraine and hemiplegic migraine. It occurs in 25 percent of people who have migraine.
Symptoms of migraines
Migraines can progress through 4 stages with the attack stage being the most severe of the four. Sometimes the aura stage may overlap with the attack phase.
A few days before the migraine you may notice some little symptoms that indicates an upcoming migraine.
• Depression.
• Food craving.
• Constipation.
• Frequent yawning.
• Mood changes.
• Neck stiffness.
• Fatigue.
• Increased thirst and urination.
Aura stage
In some people the aura stage overlaps with the attack stage. It is usually visual but can include some other disturbances like problems with your movement and speech.
• Seeing shapes, light flashes or bright spots.
• Temporary loss of vision.
• Difficulty in speaking.
• Weakness or numbness in the face or one side of the body.
• Hearing noises or music.
Attack stage
The attack stage is when the actual migraine pain starts. The individual may feel a severe headache which is isolated on one part of the head or in both parts.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Dizziness.
• Pain on one side of the head either on the front, back, right or left side.
• Sensitivity to light, sound and touch.
Post-drome stage
This stage usually occurs after the attack stage. During this phase you may experience changes in mood and feelings, washed out for up to a day confused and drained.
Causes of migraines
Migraine causes are not yet fully understood by researchers but genetics, environmental conditions and changes in levels of brain chemicals appear to play a role.
Changes in the brain stem and its interaction with the trigeminal nerve maybe involved in migraines.
Changes in brain chemicals such as an increase in the level of serotonin may also play a role.
Other factors that may trigger migraines include;
• Stress.
• Sleep changes.
• Food and food additives.
• Some medications.
• Unusual smells.
• Smoking and alcohol use.
• Intense physical activity.
• Loud sounds.
• Weather conditions.
• Dehydration.
• Bright light.
• Hormone changes in women.
Risk factors of migraines
Several factors may make you more likely to have migraines.
Some include
• Sex:
Women are 3 times more likely to have migraines.
• Age:
Migraines often begin at adolescence but can occur at any age. Migraines tend to be at its peak during your 30s and gradually become less severe.
• Family history:
If you have a family member with migraine you have a good chance of developing them too.
• Hormonal changes
Prevention of migraines
You can take the following actions to prevent a migraine.
- Make sure you get good quality sleep
- Exercise regularly
- Try to reduce stress
- Find out what triggers your migraines and avoid them
Differences between migraines and headaches
Some individuals usually confuse migraine headache with the regular headache because of the similar symptom of head pain but they are quite different.
Unlike common headaches migraines have other symptoms such as seeing bright spots, nausea and vomiting.
People with migraines may experience reoccurring symptoms called migraine episodes or attack.
Migraine episodes can occur in 4 different phases although not everyone experiences every phase. In some individuals two phases can overlap.
Migraines can be a pain, it comes around and can last up to 72 hours affecting your work and plans for that period.
You can meet with your doctor to discuss possible medications if you notice any of the early warning symptoms of a migraine.
Avoid all nighters if you have migraines, all nighters are stressful and deprive you of a good night sleep both of which can trigger migraines.
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