Corona virus is a disease that is currently causing panic amongst many, travel bands, gathering restrictions and even isolation is going on world wide. The disease is thought to have originated from a seafood market in Wuhan China and as since spread to every continent apart from Antarctica.
     The virus as officially been named SARS–CoV–2 and the disease is called COVID–19 which stand for corona virus disease 19, the disease has affected thousands with a rising death toll of over 20,000 and over 460,000 infected. The WHO has officially declared the rapidly spreading virus a pandemic and there is currently no vaccine specifically for the virus but research is currently being done to create a vaccine for the virus as well as potential treatment for it.
     In this article we will telling you what you need to know about the virus, educating you about its history, prevention and so on so make sure you read it to the very end.
This post features
- History
- How deadly is the corona virus
- Rumours about COVID–19
- Symptoms of the COVID-19
- Preventive measures
- Affected countries
- WHO response
- Facts about COVID-19
- False rumors about COVID-19
- Who is at risk of contracting COVID-19
- How is it treated


        The outbreak of COVID-19 was first documented in Wuhan, Hubei Providence China in December 2019 and has since spread to almost all continents and more than a hundred countries.

What are Coronaviruses ?

        Coronaviruses are a large family of Zoonotic viruses that cause respiratory based illnesses ranging from the common cold to a more severe respiratory disease like SARS. These viruses are referred to as zoonotic because they can be transmitted from animals to humans ( it has been found to affect cattle, horses, pigs, rats, cats, dogs and turkey)
        The two other Coronavirus outbreak that have been experienced are MERS - COV of 2012 and SARS - COV of 2003 which infected about 8000 people and 26 countries.

How Deadly is COVID-19

        A lot of people who got the new coronavirus recovered at home while some may need hospitalization to fight the virus. But based on current statistics older individuals or individuals with underlying health conditions usually have a higher fatality rate.

Symptoms of COVID-19

        New information is constantly being discovered about the novel coronavirus. You may carry the virus for 2 days or 2  weeks before noticing any symptoms.

 Common symptoms include:

• Cough that becomes more severe over time

• Low grade fever which gradually increases

• Shortness of breath

Emergency warning signs in adults include:

• Difficulty in breathing

• Persistent pressure or pain in the chest

• Blush face or lips

• Inability to arouse or new confusion

Preventive Measures for COVID-19
     One of the best ways of preventing the spread of the disease is to limit your contact with individuals showing symptoms of COVID-19 or any similar respiratory infection.
        Good hygiene should also be practice to prevent the virus from spreading.

• Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth when your hands are dirty.

• Don't go out if you are feeling sick or have any symptoms of the flu or COVID-19 (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath).

• When you sneeze cover your mouth with your elbow or make use of a tissue which should immediately dispose of.

• Frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water (preferably running water).

• Get an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to use on the go ( preferably 60% alcohol).

• Clean or disinfect objects you frequently touch. You could get a disinfectant for your phones, computers, door knobs, utensils etc.

• Avoid tight crowds in areas where case of infection has been reported.

• Avoid all non-essential travel.

• If there is avirus outbreak in your community stay indoors as much as possible to reduce the chances of being exposed to the virus.

        The coronaviruses get their name from its appearance under the microscope. The word Corona means crown, when the virus is carefully examined under the microscope a crown of proteins called peplomers are observed to coming from its centre in every direction.

How does the COVID-19 Spread?

        The virus can be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets (wet substances that travel to the air when you sneeze or cough).The virus stays in these droplets and when breathed into the into respiratory tract can lead to an infection.

Affected Countries

         Here's a list of some affected countries.
Kosovo, Namibia, Eswatini, Uruguay, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Ghana, Gabon, Trinidad and Tobago, Greece, Côte d'Ivoire, St Vicent and Grenadines, Guyana, Honduras, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Indonesia, Bolivia, Panama, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Jamaica, Mongolia, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Turkey, Cyprus, Costa Rica, Albania, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Paraguay, Moldova, Maldives, Colombia, Malta, Vietnam, Peru, Togo, Spain, USA, Germany, Iraq, Republic of South Korea, Canada, Singapore, Slovenia, Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Serbia, Cameroon, Philippines, Bhutan, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, Iraq, Vatican city, Poland,  Hungary, Norway, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Malaysia, Oman, Liechtenstein, Chile, Argentina, Ukraine, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Australia, Iceland, Qatar, Morocco, Dominican Republic, Thailand, New Zealand, Belarus, Lithuania, China, Nigeria, San Marino, Estonia, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, North Macedonia, Georgia, Romania, Pakistan, Brazil, Croatia, Algeria, Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, Finland, Sri Lanka, Cambodia , Nepal.

Facts About COVID-19

• Coronaviruses get their name from the way they look through a microscope

• Antibiotics are not effective in preventing or treating COVID-19. Antibiotics work on bacterial infections and not viruses since COVID-19 is a virus antibiotics should not be used in treating it.

• For a lot of individual the risk of developing a serious illness from COVID-19 is considered low. Older individuals and people with underlying health conditions or a compromised immune system at greater risk of developing a serious illness from COVID-19

• You can actually reduce your risk of  contracting the virus.

• The disease  does not target specific races. It has not been proven to have preference over particular race for example being Asian doesn't increase your chances of contracting the virus.

• The first case of COVID-19 as you should already know was reported in Wuhan China in December.

Who Response

As of March 11 the WHO has

1. Purchased and shipped PPE to 57 countries.
- 620,000 glove
- 584,000 surgical masks
- 72,000 gloves
- 47,000 Nas masks
- 11,000 goggles

2. Strengthened laboratory capacity
        They have supplied case management kits to 120 countries to increase their clinical management capacity.  39 countries in Africa, 20 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region and 29 countries in the Americas are due to have the ability to test for the virus.

3. Provided information to the general public
- 40 technical guidance documents
- Public advice including
• Steps to protect yourself
• Myth busters
• Guidance for school
• Guidance for workplace
• Guidance for health workers
        They have also developed 6 multilingual courses online and one simulation exercise reaching 179,000 responders.

Myths about COVID-19/ False rumors about COVID-19

- COVID-19 can be transmitted through mosquito bites.

        There is currently no evidence that suggests COVID-19 can be spread though mosquito bites. The primary method of transmission is through respiratory droplets from an infected person.

- COVID-19 can not be transmitted in places with warmer climate.
        There is currently no evidence that suggests that it cannot be spread in areas with warmer climates. Current evidence suggests it can be spread in all areas including those with warmer climates.

Who is at Higher Risk of Getting COVID-19
        Information from China shows that some people are at higher risk if getting sick from the illness.
• Older adults
• People with underlying health conditions such as
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- lung disease

How is COVID-19 Treated?

        There is currently no cure or vaccine for COVID-19 although experimental vaccines are being tested. Antibiotics are ineffective because of the nature of the disease. Most all in individuals actually recover from the virus but when the symptoms are more severe supportive treatment may be administered. These may involve

- Medications to reduce fever
- Fluids to reduce dehydration
- Individuals having a hard time breathing may need a respirator.

        As with COVID-19 SARS was first discovered in animals before being transmitted to humans. It was thought to have come from bats and transmitted to humans. COVID-19 has become very popular because a cure and vaccine hasn't been discovered to curb the spread of the virus. Some people only head about SARS because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

        There is no need to panic researchers are actively working to find a vaccine for the virus and experimental vaccines are already being tested. For the now avoid unnecessary movement or travel and apply good hygiene. Stay safe!

Thanks for reading this article new information is constantly being discovered on a  daily basis so new information on Covid 19 may be discovered in the upcoming months.
You can read our previous article on COVID-19